Agri Agro Grand Expo
Marketing Campaign
To ensure the success of an agriculture expo like Agri Agro Grand Expo 2025, a well-planned and executed marketing campaign is being carried out. Here, we will cover the comprehensive marketing plan:
-Maximizing Exhibitor Participation:
The aim is to attract a wide range of exhibitors from various sectors.
-Maximizing Visitor Attendance :
Promotions are being done through media, social media, posters, roadshows, YouTube, print media, etc., to ensure high attendance of the target audience, including farmers, agribusiness professionals, researchers, and policymakers..
-Increasing Brand Awareness:
Establish yourself as a leading company in the agriculture industry by participating in Agri Agro Grand International Expo.
Marketing Campaign
In order to maximize visitor attendance in our exhibitions, we follow a marketing strategy that focuses on bringing right decision maker at our shows and to maximize foot fall during the event. these activities include:
SMS Campaigns
Personalized Meetings with Top industry users
Authentic Industry Database
VIP Programmes for Visitors
Inviting members of Trade Associations
Email invitations
Personal invitations
Associations Heads
Promotion via Media Partners
Show Listing on top industry portals
Web banners advertisement on industry portals
Newspaper Advertisement
Magazine advertisements
Social Networking Website & FM Radio Network
Outdoor Advertisement

1.5 Million what's app
5,00,000 Mailer
25,000 Telecalling
Personal Meetings
Social Media Marketing
About Agri Agro Grand Expo 2026
Agri Agro Grand Expo International has served as a platform for bringing together many foreign as well as national visitors from all over the country to interact with leading national agriculture technology companies. The Agriculture Expo, held annually, is one of the leading national agriculture events of its kind, showcasing cutting-edge agricultural technologies. This exhibition in India traditionally attracts numerous Ministers of Agriculture, decision-makers, experts, practitioners, and trainers in agriculture, along with thousands of visitors from around the country.
contact :
+91 -70601 71734
+91 -70375 66578
© 2026 Agri Agro Grand Expo All rights reserved.